News – Anju Jadon News & Blogs News & knowledge in Hindi Sun, 18 Feb 2024 21:38:05 +0000 en-US hourly 1 News – Anju Jadon News & Blogs 32 32 FASTag Port Process – Paytm Fastag: पेटीएम का फास्टैग? Paytm FASTag को दूसरे बैंक में पोर्ट कैसे करें Sun, 18 Feb 2024 21:38:03 +0000 FASTag Port Process – Paytm Fastag: पेटीएम का फास्टैग? Paytm FASTag को दूसरे बैंक में पोर्ट कैसे करें – FASTag Port Process – Paytm Fastag: क्या आपके भी पास है पेटीएम का फास्टैग? पढ़ लें यह जरूरी खबर – भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक (आरबीआई) ने पेटीएम की इकाई पेटीएम पेमेंट्स बैंक लिमिटेड (पीपीबीएल) को किसी भी […]

<p>The post FASTag Port Process – Paytm Fastag: पेटीएम का फास्टैग? Paytm FASTag को दूसरे बैंक में पोर्ट कैसे करें first appeared on Anju Jadon News & Blogs.</p>

FASTag Port Process – Paytm Fastag: पेटीएम का फास्टैग? Paytm FASTag को दूसरे बैंक में पोर्ट कैसे करें – FASTag Port Process – Paytm Fastag: क्या आपके भी पास है पेटीएम का फास्टैग? पढ़ लें यह जरूरी खबर – भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक (आरबीआई) ने पेटीएम की इकाई पेटीएम पेमेंट्स बैंक लिमिटेड (पीपीबीएल) को किसी भी ग्राहक खाते, प्रीपेड उत्पाद, वॉलेट व फास्टैग में 29 फरवरी 2024 के बाद जमा या टॉप-अप स्वीकार न करने का 31 जनवरी को निर्देश दिया था.

Paytm Crisis : पेटीएम के फास्टैग यूजर्स यूजर्स के लिए बड़ी और जरूरी खबर है. भारतीय राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग प्राधिकरण (एनएचएआई) की ओर से रोड टोलिंग अथॉरिटी भारतीय राजमार्ग प्रबंधन कंपनी लिमिटेड (आईएचएमसीएल) ने फास्टैग यूजर्स के लिए एडवाइजरी जारी की है. एनएचएआई ने अलर्ट जारी कर लेागों से अधिकृत बैंकों से फास्टैग खरीदने का आग्रह किया है. पेटीएम फास्टैग यूजर्स को नया फास्टैग लेना होगा.

फास्टैग जारी करने के लिए पेटीएम पेमेंट्स बैंक अब अधिकृत नहीं है. आईएचएमसीएल ने उन 32 बैंकों की सूची जारी की है, जहां से यूजर्स अपने लिए फास्टैग खरीद सकते हैं. सार्वजनिक क्षेत्र के भारतीय राष्ट्रीय राजमार्ग प्राधिकरण (एनएचएआई) की टोल संग्रहण इकाई भारतीय राजमार्ग प्रबंधन कंपनी लिमिटेड (आईएचएमसीएल) ने राजमार्ग उपयोगकर्ताओं को परेशानी से बचने के लिए पेटीएम पेमेंट्स बैंक के अलावा 32 अधिकृत बैंकों से फास्टैग सेवाएं लेने की सलाह दी है.

आईएचएमसीएल ने सोशल मीडिया मंच एक्स पर जानकारी देते हुए लिखा, अपना फास्टैग 32 अधिकृत बैंकों से खरीदें. इन 32 अधिकृत बैंकों में एयरटेल पेमेंट्स बैंक, इलाहाबाद बैंक, बैंक ऑफ बड़ौदा, एचडीएफसी बैंक, आईसीआईसीआई बैंक, आईडीबीआई बैंक, पंजाब नेशनल बैंक, स्टेट बैंक ऑफ इंडिया और यस बैंक शामिल हैं.

एनएचएआई के एक वरिष्ठ अधिकारी ने पीटीआई-भाषा को बताया कि भारत में आठ करोड़ से अधिक फास्टैग उपयोगकर्ता हैं और पेटीएम पेमेंट्स बैंक (पीपीबीएल) की बाजार हिस्सेदारी करीब 30 प्रतिशत है. इससे पहले, आईएचएमसीएल ने 19 जनवरी 2024 को लिखे एक पत्र में पेटीएम पेमेंट्स बैंक को नये फास्टैग जारी करने से रोक दिया था.

भारतीय रिजर्व बैंक (आरबीआई) ने पेटीएम की इकाई पेटीएम पेमेंट्स बैंक लिमिटेड (पीपीबीएल) को किसी भी ग्राहक खाते, प्रीपेड उत्पाद, वॉलेट व फास्टैग में 29 फरवरी 2024 के बाद जमा या टॉप-अप स्वीकार न करने का 31 जनवरी को निर्देश दिया था. हालांकि, कोई भी ब्याज, कैशबैक या रिफंड ग्राहकों के खातों में किसी भी समय वापस जमा किया जा सकता है.

केंद्रीय बैंक ने एक बयान में कहा था कि निर्देश लगातार निरंतर गैर-अनुपालन के बाद दिए गए. आईएचएमसीएल ने कहा कि वह फास्टैग उपयोगकर्ताओं को आरबीआई दिशानिर्देशों के तहत नवीनतम फास्टैग केवाईसी (अपने ग्राहक को जानें) प्रक्रिया को पूरा करने के लिए प्रोत्साहित कर रहा है.

यूनियन बैंक ऑफ इंडिया, त्रिशूर जिला सहकारी बैंक, साउथ इंडियन बैंक, सारस्वत बैंक, नागपुर नागरिक सहकारी बैंक, कोटक महिंद्रा बैंक, करूर व्यास्य बैंक, जेएंडके बैंक, इंडसइंड बैंक, इंडियन बैंक, आईडीएफसी फर्स्ट बैंक, फिनो बैंक, इक्विटेबल स्मॉल फाइनेंस बैंक, कॉसमॉस बैंक, सिटी यूनियन बैंक लिमिटेड, सेंट्रल बैंक ऑफ इंडिया, केनरा बैंक, बैंक ऑफ महाराष्ट्र, एयू स्मॉल फाइनेंस बैंक और एक्सिस बैंक फास्टैग सेवा प्रदान करने के लिए अधिकृत अन्य बैंक हैं.

रेडियो फ्रीक्वेंसी आइडेंटिफिकेशन (आरएफआईडी) प्रौद्योगिकी से लैस फास्टैग, उपयोगकर्ताओं को सीधे लिंक किये गए बैंक खातों से राजमार्ग टोल शुल्क का भुगतान करने की सेवा प्रदान करता है.

Paytm Fastag डिएक्टिवेट करके ऐसे खरीदें नया फास्टैग, जानें पूरी डिटेल

NHAI ने पेटीएम पेमेंट बैंक के फास्टैग सर्विस को अथॉराइज़ेशन लिस्ट से हटा दिया है। पेटीएम फास्टैग यूजर्स को पैसे रिफंड कर दिए जाएंगे। फास्टैग खरीदने के लिए गूगल प्ले स्टोर या ऐपल ऐप स्टोर से ‘My FASTag’ ऐप डाउनलोड करें।

नेशनल हाईवे अथॉरिटी ऑफ इंडिया यानी NHAI ने पेटीएम पेमेंट बैंक को अथॉराइज्ड फास्टैग प्रोवाइडर की लिस्ट से हटा दिया है। ऐसे में अब फास्टैग पेमेंट सर्विस ऑफर करने वाले बैंकों की लिस्ट 32 हो गई है, जिन्हें टोल पेमेंट के लिए इजाजत दी गई है। ऐसे में अगर आप पेटीएम फास्टैग का इस्तेमाल करते हैं तो 15 मार्च के बाद पेटीएम फास्टैग काम नहीं करेगा। अगर किसी पेटीएम फास्टैग यूजर्स के अकाउंट में पैसे हैं, और वो इन पैसों का इस्तेमाल नहीं कर पा रहा हैं, तो उसे पैसे रिफंड कर दिए जाएंगे। ऐसे में पेटीएम फास्टैग यूजर्स को बकाया राशि को लेकर परेशान होने की जरूरत नहीं है।

कैसे पेटीएम फास्टैग अकाउंट करें डिएक्टिवेट

  • सबसे पहले पेटीएम ऐप ओपन करें।
  • टॉप लेफ्ट कॉर्नर में दिखने वाले प्रोफाइल आइकन पर टैप करें।
  • इसके बाद हेल्प और सपोर्ट ऑप्शन पर टैप करें।
  • इसके बाद “Banking Services & Payments” ऑप्शन सेलेक्ट करें।
  • फिर फास्टैग ऑप्शन सेलेक्ट करें।
  • इसके बाद Chat with us ऑप्शन सेलेक्ट करें।
  • फिर डिएक्टिवेशन रिक्वेस्ट जनरेट करें।

कैसे एक नया फास्टैग खरीदें

  • आप NHAI वेबसाइट पर लिस्टेड 32 बैंक का फास्टैग खरीद सकते हैं।
  • यूजर सीधे NHAI से फास्टैग खरीद सकते हैं।

कैसे NHAI से खरीदें फास्टैग

  • सबसे पहले गूगल प्ले स्टोर या फिर ऐपल ऐप स्टोर से “My FASTag” डाउनलोड करें।
  • इसके बाद ऐप ओपन करें और स्क्रॉल डाउन करके “Buy Fastag” ऑप्शन पर टैप करें.
  • इसके बाद अमेजन और फ्लिपकारट का फास्टैग खरीदने का लिंक दिखेगा।
  • फिर इसे एक्टिवेट कर सकते हैं। इसके बाद एक्टिवेट फास्टैग ऑप्शन पर क्लिक करें।
  • सबसे पहले अमेजन फ्लिपकार्ट सेलेक्ट करें और क्यूआर कोड स्कैन करें।
  • इसके बाद ऑन स्क्रीन एक्टिवेशन प्रॉसेस फॉलो करें।

Paytm FASTag: क्या किसी दूसरे बैंक में करा सकते हैं पोर्ट

Paytm FASTag को दूसरे बैंक में पोर्ट कैसे करें

किसी को भी फास्ट टैग लेने के लिए बैंक की ऑनलाइन फास्ट टैग की साइट पर जाकर उसके लिए अप्लाई करना होता है. तब जाकर आपको फास्ट टैग हासिल होता है.  साल 2019 में सभी गाड़ियों के लिए फास्ट टैग लागू कर दिया गया था. अगर कोई अपने बैंक का फास्ट टैग दूसरे बैंक में बदलना चाहता है तो बदलवा सकता है. किसी को भी बैंक का फास्टैग बदलवाने के लिए आपको उसे बैंक के कस्टमर केयर को कॉल करना होगा और उसे आपको इस बारे में सूचित करना होगा. उसके बाद आपसे कुछ सवाल किए जाएंगे. जिनके जवाब देने के बाद आपका फास्ट टैग दूसरे बैंक में पोर्ट हो जाएगा. 

  1. पेटीएम फास्टैग को पोर्ट करना का कोई सीधा तरीका नहीं है।
  2. इसके लिए आपको अपने बैंक (जिस बैंक से फास्टैग लेना है) के कस्टमर केयर को कॉल करें।
  3. अब आपको कस्टमर केयर को बताना होगा कि आप फास्टैग को स्विच करना चाहते हैं।
  4. इसके बाद आपको कुछ सवालों के जवाब देने होंगे।
  5. उसके बाद आपका फास्टैग नए बैंक में पोर्ट हो जाएगा।

<p>The post FASTag Port Process – Paytm Fastag: पेटीएम का फास्टैग? Paytm FASTag को दूसरे बैंक में पोर्ट कैसे करें first appeared on Anju Jadon News & Blogs.</p>

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Paytm FASTag News: Can I continue to use it to pay toll? RBI issues FAQs for customers Sat, 17 Feb 2024 22:33:36 +0000 Paytm FASTag News: Can I continue to use it to pay toll? RBI issues FAQs for customers- The RBI, in its frequently asked questions (FAQs), said one can continue to use FASTags to pay the toll up to the available balance. The Indian Highways Management Company Ltd (IHMCL), toll collecting arm of state-owned NHAI, has […]

<p>The post Paytm FASTag News: Can I continue to use it to pay toll? RBI issues FAQs for customers first appeared on Anju Jadon News & Blogs.</p>

Paytm FASTag News: Can I continue to use it to pay toll? RBI issues FAQs for customers- The RBI, in its frequently asked questions (FAQs), said one can continue to use FASTags to pay the toll up to the available balance. The Indian Highways Management Company Ltd (IHMCL), toll collecting arm of state-owned NHAI, has advised highway users to buy FASTags from 32 authorised banks without Paytm Payments Bank (PPBL) for hassle-free travel. The 32 authorised banks include Airtel Payments Bank, Allahabad Bank, Bank of Baroda, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, IDBI Bank, Punjab National Bank, State Bank of India, and Yes Bank, among others.

However, on Friday, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), in its frequently asked questions (FAQs), said one can continue to use FASTags to pay the toll up to the available balance.

The RBI also advised customers as well as merchants of Paytm Payments Bank Ltd (PPBL) to shift their accounts to other banks by March 15, giving 15 more days to the beleaguered entity to close most of its operations, including deposit and credit transactions.

The RBI has issued a list of 30 FAQs, for the convenience of customers of PPBL, and the general public at large.

RBI FAQs on FASTag issued by Paytm Payments Bank

I have a FASTag issued by Paytm Payments Bank. Can I continue to use it to pay toll after March 15, 2024?

Yes. You can continue to use your FASTag to pay toll upto the available balance. However, no further funding or top ups will be allowed in the FASTags issued by Paytm Payments Bank after March 15, 2024. It is suggested that you procure a new FASTag issued by another bank before March 15, 2024, to avoid any inconvenience.

I have a FASTag issued by Paytm Payments Bank. Can I recharge the balance after March 15, 2024?

No. After March 15, 2024, you will not be able to top-up or recharge your FASTag issued by Paytm Payments Bank. It is suggested that you procure a new FASTag issued by another bank before March 15, 2024, to avoid any inconvenience.

Can I transfer the balance from my old FASTag issued by Paytm Payments Bank to a new FASTag obtained from another Bank?

Credit balance transfer feature is not available in the FASTag product. Therefore, you will have to close your old FASTag issued by Paytm Payments Bank and request the bank for a refund.

The RBI also said withdrawal or utilisation of balances by Paytm Payments Bank customers from their accounts, including saving bank accounts, current accounts, prepaid instruments, FASTags, National Common Mobility Cards will be permitted without any restrictions, up to their available balance even beyond March 15.


The IHMCL has said it is encouraging FASTag users to complete the ‘Know Your Customer’ (KYC) process of their latest FASTag as per RBI guidelines.

The banks authorised for issuing FASTags also include Union Bank of India, Thrissur District Cooperative Bank, South Indian Bank, Saraswat Bank, Nagpur Nagrik Sahkari Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Karur Vyasya Bank, J&K Bank, IndusInd Bank, Indian Bank, IDFC First Bank, FINO Bank, Equitable Small Finance Bank, Cosmos Bank, City Union Bank Ltd, Central Bank of India, Canara Bank, Bank of Maharashtra, AU Small Finance Bank, and Axis Bank.

What is FASTag?

FASTag is an electronic toll collection system in India operated by the NHAI. It employs Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology for allowing toll payments directly from the linked bank accounts.

How to deactivate Paytm Fastag and buy new online

Can I transfer the balance from my old FASTag issued by Paytm Payments Bank to a new FASTag obtained from another Bank? Credit balance transfer feature is not available in the FASTag product. Therefore, you will have to close your old FASTag issued by Paytm Payments Bank and request the bank for a refund.

How to close Paytm FASTag

Step 1: Login to the Paytm app using the mobile number registered with your FASTag account
Step 2: In the ‘Search Bar’, type ‘FASTag’ and click on ‘Manage FASTag’ under ‘Services’ section
Step 3: You will be redirected to a screen displaying all the active FASTag accounts linked to your Paytm number
Step 4: Scroll to the bottom of the page and tap on the ‘Help & Support’ option

Step 5: You will be redirected to the FASTag Help & Support screen

Step 6: Tap on ‘Need help with non-order related queries?’
Step 7: Select the option ‘Queries related to updating FASTag profile’
Step 8: Select the option ‘I want to close my FASTag’ and follow the steps mentioned there.

Paytm FASTag banned: What does this mean for you, when does this come into effect?

This move directly impacts millions of Paytm FASTag users, who will now need to obtain new Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) stickers, as Paytm FASTags will not be operational after March 15. With India having over 70 million FASTag users, Paytm Payments Bank’s claimed 30 percent market share suggests that more than 15 million users will be impacted by this move. It is better to switch to a different bank for FASTags or you might end up having issues during your time on the toll road after March 15.

Paytm Payments Bank ban deadline extended: What does this mean?

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has extended the deadline for Paytm Payments Bank services to March 15. This basically means that people who are using Paytm Payments Bank service will be able to conduct various transactions, including deposits, credit services, prepaid services, wallets, FASTags, and National Common Mobility Cards until the new deadline. After this, the services won’t be accessible. Hence, people using Paytm Payments Bank are advised to take action and remove their account or deposits if there is any before the new deadline.

How To Transfer Or Close My Paytm Fastag Account?

Is Paytm FASTag Still Working?

Customers are allowed to use the balance from other accounts, including savings bank accounts, current accounts, prepaid products, FASTag and National Common Mobility Card, until the balance is available. RBI has allowed Paytm FASTag users to use their balances but they cannot load these wallets with more money after March 15, 2024.

How To Cancel Paytm FASTag?

You can deactivate Paytm FASTag, however, you cannot reactivate the same FASTag again. Check the steps below;

1. Login to the FASTag Paytm Portal. In this, one will have to enter the user ID, wallet ID and password.

2. Now the FASTag number, registered mobile number and many other details required for verification will have to be entered.

3. Scroll down the page and click on the Help & Support option.

4. Now, ‘Need Help With Non-Order Related Queries?’ Tap On.

5. After this, select the option Queries Related to Updating FASTag Profile.

6. Here, one has to select the option I Want to Close My FASTag and follow the further steps.

Paytm FASTag Transfer

How Do I Transfer Paytm FASTag To Other FASTag?

This direct transfer is not possible. You need to contact a new FASTag issuer (e.g., HDFC, ICICI) to purchase a new tag and transfer your vehicle registration details.

FASTag cannot be transferred to the other party. If you are not going to use the registered vehicle anymore, you need to ensure the FASTag that you used for the vehicle is closed.

Best FASTag Service Provider In India

Users have a long list of choices to buy a FASTag. You can purchase a FASTag from 32 authorised banks.

The 32 authorised banks include Airtel Payments Bank, Allahabad Bank, Bank of Baroda, HDFC Bank, ICICI Bank, IDBI Bank, Punjab National Bank, State Bank of India, and Yes Bank, among others.

The banks authorised for issuing FASTags also include Union Bank of India, Thrissur District Cooperative Bank, South Indian Bank, Saraswat Bank, Nagpur Nagrik Sahkari Bank, Kotak Mahindra Bank, Karur Vyasya Bank, J&K Bank, IndusInd Bank, Indian Bank, IDFC First Bank, FINO Bank, Equitable Small Finance Bank, Cosmos Bank, City Union Bank Ltd, Central Bank of India, Canara Bank, Bank of Maharashtra, AU Small Finance Bank, and Axis Bank.

<p>The post Paytm FASTag News: Can I continue to use it to pay toll? RBI issues FAQs for customers first appeared on Anju Jadon News & Blogs.</p>

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Samsung Mobile Breaking News – Government has ‘warning’ for Galaxy S23, other Samsung smart phone Sun, 17 Dec 2023 18:51:22 +0000 Samsung Mobile Breaking News – Government has ‘warning’ for Galaxy S23, other Samsung smart phone – CERT-In has issued a high-risk alert for Samsung Galaxy mobile phone users, urging them to promptly update their phone’s OS and security systems. The Union government has issued a new advisory for all the Samsung Galaxy mobile phone users, […]

<p>The post Samsung Mobile Breaking News – Government has ‘warning’ for Galaxy S23, other Samsung smart phone first appeared on Anju Jadon News & Blogs.</p>

Samsung Mobile Breaking News – Government has ‘warning’ for Galaxy S23, other Samsung smart phone – CERT-In has issued a high-risk alert for Samsung Galaxy mobile phone users, urging them to promptly update their phone’s OS and security systems. The Union government has issued a new advisory for all the Samsung Galaxy mobile phone users, asking them to immediately update their security systems and operating system (OS) to protect themselves from cyber attacks and hacking.

Samsung Hack News –

The Indian government’s CERT-In (Computer Emergency Response Team) has issued a high-risk warning for Samsung mobile phone users, urging them to update their devices immediately. This alert highlights critical security vulnerabilities affecting Android versions 11, 12, 13, and 14, putting millions of users at risk.

The Centre has given additional security warnings this week to users of Samsung Galaxy phones. On December 13, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) issued a security advisory calling attention to various susceptibilities affecting several Samsung Galaxy phones.

A storm cloud has gathered over Samsung Mobile users in India, as the CERT-In (Computer Emergency Response Team of India) issued a high-risk warning highlighting critical security flaws in Android versions 11, 12, 13, and 14. This is no minor blip on the radar; these vulnerabilities are potent threats, posing a serious risk to your data and device security.

Imagine this: an attacker, armed with knowledge of these vulnerabilities, could infiltrate your phone like a covert ninja. They might bypass Knox, Samsung’s prized security fortress, and feast on your sensitive information, from contacts and messages to financial data. Scarier still, they could take control of your device, executing malicious code and wreaking havoc on your digital life.

CERT-In classified the vulnerabilities as high-risk and stressed the urgent need for Samsung users to upgrade their phones’ operating systems. Samsung Mobile Android versions 11, 12, 13, and 14 are vulnerable to such attacks, the report said. 

The Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In) has issued the high-risk security advisory on December 13, highlighting several security impacts on millions of Samsung Galaxy phones, with both newer and older models.

The category of concern for Samsung phones is “high-risk”, according to the advisory, and owners of these phones need to update their firmware of OS at the earliest.

Samsung Hacking Warning

According to the security note, these security flaws “may allow an attacker to trigger a heap overflow and stack-based buffer overflow, access device SIM PIN, send a broadcast with elevated privilege, read sandbox data of AR Emoji, bypass Knox Guard lock via changing system time, access arbitrary files, gain access to sensitive information, execute arbitrary code and compromise the targeted system,”

Failing to update the operating system (OS) of Samsung Galaxy phones could leave them susceptible to potential hazards. This gives hackers an opportunity to circumvent device security and gain unauthorised access to sensitive data. Hackers can snoop around user files and steal important information.

CERT said in its notification, “Multiple vulnerabilities have been reported in Samsung products that could allow an attacker to bypass implemented security restrictions, access sensitive information, and execute arbitrary code on the targeted system.”

The agency said that the risk in these phones is due to the improper access control flaw in the SmartManagerCN component of the OS. The solution to this is to apply appropriate security updates in your Samsung Galaxy phones, as mentioned by the company.

What could happen if you don’t follow CERT advisory?

Samsung Galaxy phone owners could be subjected to several risks if they don’t update their security and OS, as directed by CERT-In. Here are some vulnerabilities highlighted in the advisory by the government.

  • Steal phone’s secret code (SIM PIN)
  • Shout loud commands to phone (broadcast with elevated privilege)
  • Peek into private AR Emoji files
  • Change the clock on the castle gate (Knox Guard lock)
  • Snoop around phone’s files (access arbitrary files)
  • Steal important information (sensitive information)
  • Control the phone like a puppet (execute arbitrary code)

The advisory urged Samsung users to take immediate action to curtail these risks. Users were strongly advised to apply the security updates.

Samsung has denied to comment on the matter.

ut Samsung Security did acknowledge the threat via a notification on the site saying it has announced a rollout of security firmware along with Google’s Android patch in the upcoming update in December this year.

“Samsung Mobile is releasing a maintenance release for major flagship models as part of monthly Security Maintenance Release (SMR) process. This SMR package includes patches from Google and Samsung,” it stated.

The CERT-In report mentions the following threat:

  • Knox features, meant to be a bastion of security, suffer from improper access control. Think of it as a faulty lock on your vault, allowing unwanted guests to slip through.
  • Facial recognition, your gateway to unlocking your phone, is compromised by an integer overflow flaw. This technical jargon essentially means a mathematical loophole that attackers can exploit to bypass authentication.
  • The AR Emoji app, your playground for creating digital avatars, has authorisation issues. Imagine someone impersonating you in the virtual world, potentially causing reputational damage or worse.
  • Knox security software, your trusted bodyguard, stumbles with error handling. This is like your security guard falling asleep on the job, leaving you vulnerable to attack.
  • Memory corruption vulnerabilities lurk in various system components, like cracks in the walls of your digital fortress. Attackers can exploit these cracks to gain unauthorised access and wreak havoc.
  • The Smart Clip app, your handy clipboard manager, fails to validate user input. This is like leaving your door wide open for anyone to enter, potentially dropping malware onto your device.
  • Certain app interactions in contacts can be hijacked. The impact is widespread, affecting a vast range of Samsung devices, from the latest Galaxy S23 series to the popular Galaxy Flip 5 and Fold 5. This is no small-scale issue; millions of users could be at risk.

Here’s what you can do to stay safe:

  • Update your software immediately. Samsung has released patches to address these vulnerabilities. 
  • Keep your apps up to date. Outdated apps are easy targets for attackers. Update them regularly to plug any security holes.
  • Be cautious about the apps you install. Only download apps from trusted sources and scrutinise their permissions before installing.
  • Exercise caution when clicking on links. Don’t click on suspicious links, even if they appear to come from trusted sources.

Remember, cybersecurity is a shared responsibility. By taking these steps and staying vigilant, you can help protect yourself and your data from these critical vulnerabilities. Don’t let your Samsung phone become a playground for attackers. Take action today and secure your digital life!

<p>The post Samsung Mobile Breaking News – Government has ‘warning’ for Galaxy S23, other Samsung smart phone first appeared on Anju Jadon News & Blogs.</p>

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The Most Different Types of U.S. Work Visas Fri, 01 Dec 2023 04:55:34 +0000 The Most Different Types of U.S. Work Visas – The United States has the world’s largest economy and this sustained boom is driven in large part by immigrants. Foreigners who wish to come to the U.S. to work have a number of different visa options. This guide will explore the most common types of U.S. […]

<p>The post The Most Different Types of U.S. Work Visas first appeared on Anju Jadon News & Blogs.</p>

The Most Different Types of U.S. Work Visas – The United States has the world’s largest economy and this sustained boom is driven in large part by immigrants. Foreigners who wish to come to the U.S. to work have a number of different visa options. This guide will explore the most common types of U.S. work visas and eligibility criteria for each.

There are many reasons to come to the United States for a short period of time; whether it’s for travel, business, education, or short-term work, the possibilities are endless. However, all non-U.S. citizens or permanent residents will still need a travel visa.

Called “nonimmigrant visas,” these temporary visas allow the holders to visit the United States for specific purposes, as long as their stays are temporary and have a clear departure date.

Also Read – how many types of us visa – How many different types of US visas are there?

Permanent (Immigrant) Workers

Those with the right job skills — and their spouses and children — can apply for the roughly 140,000 employment-based green cards available each year. Permanent residence in the U.S. can be obtained through the right combination of education, expertise, eligibility, and skill set. Most of these visas call for an existing offer of employment from an employer who has the proper U.S. Department of Labor certification, verifying that there are both insufficient workers with this skillset within the United States, and the hiring does not take a job away from a U.S. citizen. Called “labor certification,” this is done through ETA Form 9089 (“Application for Permanent Employment Certification”).

There are five key types of employment-based visas:

First Preference EB-1

EB-1 covers those with “extraordinary ability” such as business professionals, academics and researchers, scientists, the arts, or athletics. This type of visa does not require labor certification. Family of EB-1 visa holders may apply for admission to the U.S. on E-14 or E-15 immigrant status, respectively, if that person has an approved I-140 (green card) form.

Second Preference EB-2

EB-2 visas are available to professionals holding an advanced degree or foreign equivalent; or who can prove at least ten years experience in a field; or those whose employment is in the national interest of the U.S. For all but the third category of eligibility, labor certification must be obtained. Family of EB-2 visa holders may apply for admission to the U.S. through E21 or E22 forms, if that person has an approved I-140 (green card) form.

Third Preference EB-3

EB-3 visas are available to those holding a bachelor’s degree, or foreign equivalent, as well as skilled and unskilled laborers who have a non-temporary offer of employment from a U.S. employer. For each eligibility category within EB-3, labor certification must be obtained. Family of EB-3 visa holders may apply for admission to the U.S. through specific spouse or child forms listed here, if that person has an approved I-140 (green card) form.

Fourth Preference EB-4

EB-4 visas are a specialized category of visa, eligibility to which includes but isn’t limited to: certain religious workers, employees of U.S. foreign service posts, retired employees of international organizations, and noncitizen minors who are wards of courts in the United States. Labor certification is waived for this type of visa. Some families may be eligible for admission.

Fifth Preference EB-5

EB-5 visas cover the Immigrant Investor Program. These are available to people who make either an investment of 1.8 million USD in a new commercial enterprise that employs at least 10 full-time U.S. workers, or 900,000 USD in a new commercial venture in a targeted employment area that employs at least 10 full-time U.S. workers. Labor certification is waived for this type of visa. Under this program investors and their family are eligible to apply for green cards.

Boundless offers unlimited support from our team of immigration experts, so you can apply with confidence and focus on what’s important, your life in the U.S.

Also Read – how many types of us visa – How many different types of US visas are there?

Temporary Visit for Business

These visas are for very short-termed business purposes. If a person were, for example, negotiating a contract, attending a convention, or settling an estate, they would travel under this type of visa.

B-1 Visas

B-1 visas are for those conducting limited, short-term business in the United States. These demand a specific period of time, and are usually given for a one- to six-month period, with possible extension of an additional six months. It is rare if these visas extend beyond one year. Family of B-1 visa holders are not eligible to travel under these visas; they must obtain their own B-1 visas to travel.

WB Temporary Business Visitor under Visa Waiver Program

The WB Temporary Business Visitor under Visa Waiver Program allows nationals of 39 countries, specified by the State Department, to travel to the U.S. for business or tourism without a visa for a period of 90 days or less.

GB Temporary Visitor to Guam

GB Temporary Visitor to Guam
GB Temporary Visitor to Guam visas cover the U.S. territories of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands. Visa holders may be traveling for business or pleasure, but they need to be traveling with a return ticket. The stay cannot exceed 45 days.

Temporary Non-Immigrant Visa

These employment visas are for people looking to work in the United States for a fixed period of time. Most often, a potential employer files a petition for this type of work with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) and prior to coming to the U.S., the employee would still need to apply for a visa. Within this qualification, there are many different categories of workers, which can be found on the USCIS website. Spouses and family of holders of these employment visas need to file for their own visas prior to coming to the U.S. Below are the most common type of non-immigrant work visas:

H Visas

H-1B visas are for people in a specified professional or academic field or with special expertise who have a college degree or higher or the equivalent in work experience. These visas have a residency cap of three years.

  • A job offer from a U.S. employer for a role that requires specialty knowledge
  • Proof of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent in that field
  • Your employer must show that there is a lack of qualified U.S. applicants for the role

H-2A and H-2B visas are for seasonal, or peak load, temporary workers in an agriculture (H-2A) or non-agricultural (H-2B) setting. Generally, these do not extend beyond a year.

H-3 are for those seeking training in any endeavor except graduate medical school or training; or training to meet the needs of those who require special education. This classification is for citizens who want training within the United States, but will be pursuing their careers outside of the U.S.

I Visas

I visas are for any eligible member of the foreign press including reporters, film crews, editors, and similar occupations, representing a foreign media outlet such as print, radio, film, or other foreign information media, when the outlet has a home office in a foreign country. For most, this is an indefinite visa as long as the holder is engaged in this profession for the same company.

L Visas

L Visas are for those who are temporarily transferring within a company at which they already work, either at the executive/management level (L-1A) or through a specialized expertise (L-1B). An L-1A visa comes with a three-year duration; L-1B has only one year.

O Visas

O visas are for those with extraordinary and exceptional abilities or achievements, across industries. O visas are also extended to those who travel with the person of extraordinary ability or a family member.

P Visas

These visas are for those who excel in performance, athletic, or artistic endeavors and the people who accompany these extraordinary performers. These are usually event-based durations.

R Visas

R visas are extended to non-immigrant religious workers who are members of a religious denomination that holds official non-profit status in the U.S. coming to work either directly for that denomination or an associated non-profit.


This permits qualified Canadian and Mexican citizens to seek temporary entry into the United States to engage in business activities at a professional level, under the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Also Read – how many types of us visa – How many different types of US visas are there?

Student and Exchange Visitors

These visas cover three types of students: academic students, vocational students, and those enrolled in educational or cultural exchange programs. These are not immigrant visas.

F Visas

F-1 visas are for academic students enrolled at accredited academic institutions. As long as a course of study is maintained, students may work. Students cannot work off-campus during the first academic year, but may accept on-campus employment subject to conditions and restrictions. After the first academic year, F-1 students can engage in three types of off-campus employment:

Curricular Practical Training (CPT)
Optional Practical Training (OPT) (pre-completion or post-completion)
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) OPT

Learn more about F-1 visas here. F-2 visas are available for the family of the student, including spouse and children. F-3 visas are available for Canadian or Mexican students who commute.

M Visas

M visas are available for students at vocational or other recognized nonacademic institutions, other than language training programs (those require an F visa). M-2 visas are available for the family of the student, including spouse and children. M-3 visas are available for Canadian or Mexican students who commute.

J Visas

J visas are available for those involved in work- and study-based programs, like au pairs, camp counsellors, trainees, interns and more. Programs must promote cultural exchange and applicants must meet eligibility criteria, including English language proficiency. J-2 visas are used for dependents of the J-1 visa holder.

Not sure which visa is right for you? Take our free assessment to get a customized plan.

<p>The post The Most Different Types of U.S. Work Visas first appeared on Anju Jadon News & Blogs.</p>

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How many types of us visa – How many different types of US visas are there? Thu, 30 Nov 2023 15:07:22 +0000 In this post we are discuss on how many types of us visa – How many different types of US visas are there? Millions of people enter and leave the United States every year. It is a popular tourism and immigration destination. However, if you are not a resident of the United States, you will […]

<p>The post How many types of us visa – How many different types of US visas are there? first appeared on Anju Jadon News & Blogs.</p>

In this post we are discuss on how many types of us visa – How many different types of US visas are there?

Millions of people enter and leave the United States every year. It is a popular tourism and immigration destination. However, if you are not a resident of the United States, you will most likely need a visa to enter the country.

A US visa is a stamp that you get on your travel document, more specifically your passport, which means that you are eligible to enter the United States. Having a US Visa does not necessarily mean that you will enter the US, as this is at the discretion of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Customs and Borders Protection (CPB) Inspectors.

Also Read – The Most Different Types of U.S. Work Visas

What is a U.S. Visa?

A citizen of a foreign country who seeks to enter the United States generally must first obtain a U.S. visa, which is placed in the traveler’s passport, a travel document issued by the traveler’s country of citizenship.

Certain international travelers may be eligible to travel to the United States without a visa if they meet the requirements for visa-free travel. The Visa section of this website is all about U.S. visas for foreign citizens to travel to the United States.

How Can I Use a Visa to Enter the United States?

Having a U.S. visa allows you to travel to a port of entry, airport or land border crossing, and request permission of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Customs and Border Protection (CBP) inspector to enter the United States. While having a visa does not guarantee entry to the United States, it does indicate a consular officer at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad has determined you are eligible to seek entry for that specific purpose. DHS/CBP inspectors, guardians of the nation’s borders, are responsible for admission of travelers to the United States, for a specified status and period of time. DHS also has responsibility for immigration matters while you are present in the United States.

US Visa Types

There are about 185 types of US visas, grouped into two main categories:

  • Nonimmigrant visas. Issued for temporary visits to the United States such as for tourism, business, employment, family visit, and studying.
  • Immigrant visas. Issued to people who will move permanently to the United States under immigrant investor schemes or family reunion.

Here are the main types of US visas:

Visa TypePurpose
AForeign government officials and diplomats
A1, G-1, NATO1-6Visa renewals
A-2, NATO1-6Military personnel of a foreign country stationed in the U.S.
B-1Amateur and professional athletes who are competing for prize moneyBusiness visitorsNannies or domestic employees
B-2Visitors for medical treatmentTourists, vacationers and pleasure visitors
BCCMexican Border Crossing Card
CTransit in the U.S.
DCrew members serving on aircraftsCrew members serving on aircrafts
E-1Treaty traders
E-2Treaty investors
E-3Australian professionals and specialty workers
F-1Language and academic students
F-2Dependents of F-1 Visa holders (Students)
G1- G5, NATODesignated international organisation’s employees and NATO
H-1B1Chilean Free Trade Agreement (FTA) professionalsSingaporean FTA professionals
H1-BPhysicians and highly specialised occupations requiring specific industry knowledge
H2-ATemporary workers for seasonal agriculture
H2-BTemporary workers for non-agricultural professions
H3Primarily non-employment training programs
H1-CNurses travelling to areas that has shortage of healthcare professionals
IInformation media representatives and journalists
JExchange visitorsInternational cultural exchange visitors
J-1Au-pairs exchange visitorsProfessors, scholars and teachers as exchange visitors
J-2Children under the ages of 21/ Spouse of J-1 holder
LIntra company transferees
M-1Vocational students
M-2Dependent of M-1 holder
O-1Foreign nationals possessing excellent knowledge and abilities in the fields of art, science, education, athletics or business
PEntertainers, artists and athletes
QInternational cultural exchange visitors
RReligious works
TN/TDMexican and Canadian NAFTA professional workers
T-1Human trafficking victims
U-1Victims of crime, criminal activity

Different Types of US Visas

The most common types of US Visa from India are as follows:

  • Tourist or business Visa: This tourist or business visa is available in two different forms. The two categories are frequently combined and issued as one Visa. You must demonstrate to the consular official that your stay in the country is temporary and that you have the means to pay for your costs there. Additionally, evidence of living outside the US is required. Under this visa, you cannot accept employment.
    • B-1 for business associates, those attending scientific, educational, business conventions, settling an estate or negotiating contracts.
    • B-2 for pleasure or for medical treatment. This includes tourism, visiting friends and family, medical treatment, social or service activities.
  • Immediate Relative & Family Sponsored Visas
    • Here are the categories of the Immediate relative and Family Sponsored visas:
    • The F2A and F2B visas are for the families of Lawful Permanent Residents, more specifically their spouses, minor children, or unmarried sons and daughters aged 21 and above.
    • IR-2 visa – for unmarried children under 21 years old
    • IR5 visa – for parents of US Citizens who are at least 21 years old
    • F1 – for unmarried sons and daughters and their minor children
    • F3 visa – for married sons and daughters and their minor children
    • F4 visa – for brothers and sisters of US Citizens, and their spouses and minor children.
    • The IR3, IH3, IR4, IH4 visas are for children from other countries who will be adopted by US citizen parent(s)
    • The SQ visa is for Iraqi or Afghan citizens who will be working for or on behalf of the US government and get Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs).
  • Work Visa To work temporarily in the US, you need a certain Visa based on the type of work you’ll be doing. The USCIS must accept the petition of the applicant in order for them to be eligible for H, L, O, P, and Q. Form I-129 must be authorised before submitting a request for a work visa at the consulate. Form I-797, which serves as notice that your petition has been authorised, will subsequently be delivered to the employer. A copy of Form I-797 and Form I-129 must be brought with you when you visit the Consulate for your interview. The following list of work visas is provided:
    • H1-B for Specialty occupation : YFor you to be eligible for an H1-B visa, you must hold a Bachelor’s degree or higher in the field of specialisation. USCIS will determine whether your employment falls within this category and whether you are qualified to offer the required service. The employer is required to file a labour condition application to the Department of Labour regarding the conditions of the employment contract with you.  
    • H-1 B-1 – Work Visa on a Temporary Basis : Singaporean and Chilean citizens can apply visa in order to work in the U.S. on a temporary basis. However, individuals must already have a job offer in the US before they can apply for the visa.
    • H-2A for Seasonal agricultural workers : This Visa allows U.S. employers to bring foreign nationals to fill the temporary agricultural job for which U.S. workers are not available. Employer must file Form I-129 petition on your behalf. Indians are not eligible for this Visa.
    • H-2B for skilled and unskilled workers : This Visa is granted to those filling up a temporary or a seasonal job for which there is a shortage of U.S. workers. Indians are not eligible for this Visa.
    • H-3 for trainees : This is required if you are coming to the U.S. to receive training in any field from an employer for a period of up to two years. You can be paid for the training but it cannot be used to provide productive employment.
    • H-4 for dependents : If you are a holder of a valid H Visa, then your spouses and unmarried children under the ages of 21 may receive H-4 Visa so that they can accompany you to the U.S. But your spouse and children who hold this Visa are not permitted to work in the U.S.
    • L-1 for intra company transferees : f you work for an international firm and are temporarily transferred to the parent branch, an affiliate, or a subsidiary of the company, you need this visa. You must be at the managerial or executive level and possess specialised knowledge in the role you intend to occupy in the U.S. Company in order to be eligible for this visa. Within the three years before to submitting your application for admission to the United States, you must have worked continuously for one year for the multinational company.
    • L-2 for dependents : If you are a holder of a valid L Visa, your spouses and unmarried children under the age of 21 may receive L-2 Visa to enter the U.S. If your spouse wishes to seek employment in the U.S., they will have to submit a completed Form I-765 with the application fee. Your children will not be authorised to work in the United States.
    • Type O Visa : This type of Visa is offered to those with extraordinary ability in science, education, arts, business and athletics or extraordinary achievement in motion picture and television production.
    • Type P Visa : This Visa is offered to athletes, entertainer’s artist, and essential support personnel who come to perform in the United States.
    • Type Q Visa :This Visa is required if you are travelling to participate in international cultural exchange program in the U.S. for the purpose of providing training, employment, sharing history culture and traditions of your home country. The petition must be filed by the sponsor and is to be approved by USCIS.
  • Temporary Work Visa –
    • Temporary Work Visas are issued for temporary work in the United States. Here are the categories of work visas:
    • H1B visa. For persons who have been employed in highly specialized fields.
    • H1B1 visa. For nationals of Chile and Singapore.
    • H-2A visa. Granted to temporary agricultural workers from selected countries in whom the US has some type of interest.
    • H-2B visa. Given to other types of temporary seasonal workers, who do non-agricultural work.
    • H-3 visa. Obtained by those who want to take advantage of training and education opportunities.
    • L1 visa. Issued to intracompany managers or executives.
    • People who have what is called an extraordinary ability in Arts, Science, Business, Education, or Athletics and want to temporarily work in their field of expertise need an O visa. There are three types of O visas:
    • O1 visa – for persons with extraordinary abilities.
    • O2 visa – for the assistants of O1 visa holders.
    • O3 visa – for dependents of O1 visa holders.
    • P visas. are issued to sportspersons and their coaching teams.
    • Temporary Religious Workers who want to practice within the US in religious capacities need to get the R1 visa type.
    • TN/TD visas. are for citizens of Canada or Mexico who will be working in the NAFTA organization.
    • E3 visas. For nationals of Australia. who will be working in specialty occupations.
    • I visa. For representatives of foreign media and journalists part of the press, film, radio, or print industries, who are visiting the US to work or participate in educational media activities.
  • Student Visa 
    The institution or program must admit foreign nationals who come to the United States to pursue higher education. After being accepted, they will obtain the necessary permission documents to submit when applying for the student visa. The I-20’s commencement date gives the students 120 days to begin the visa application process, and they have 30 days after that to leave the country. Students may obtain the following visas:
    • F-1 Visa : People who desire to engage in academic programs at universities recognised by the United States or in programs to improve their English are granted this visa. You need this visa if your course requires more than 18 hours per week. This visa is available to secondary school students who are registered at a public institution.
    • M-1 Visa : Those who intend to pursue non-academic, vocational training or training in the United States are eligible for this visa. They can be enrolled in public secondary and elementary schools by non-immigrant visa holders who have an A, E, H-4, F-2, G, J-2, L-2, or M-2 visa, among others.If a student takes a break from their studies abroad for five months or longer, they risk losing their F-1 or M-1 status unless the activity was necessary for their study.
  • Exchange Visitor Visa
    Foreign nationals are welcome to visit the US to take part in exchange programmes. However, the official programme sponsor must accept and approve you before you may apply for the Visa. The J Visa, which is intended to encourage the exchange of information and talents across a variety of areas, is given to the exchange visitor. Participants may include –
    • Teachers
    • Students at academic levels
    • Professors
    • Research scholars
    • Professional trainees
    • Visitors coming for travel, consultation, research purposes, etc.
  • Ship Crew or Transit Visa : The two types of Visas offered for transit or ship crew are mentioned below:
    • Transit C Visa
      Foreign nationals who are travelling to another country via the United States are eligible for this visa. The tourist must request layover privileges if he wants to visit his friends or relatives. He or she must meet the requirements for a B-2 visa.
    • Crew D Visa
      A crew member who is working on a ship or an aeroplane is eligible for this visa. If a crew member is working aboard a ship within the Outer Continental Shelf, he or she is eligible for a modified B-1 Visa rather than a crew Visa. Crew members typically use the combination of transit or crew Visas, which are C-1 or D. Crew members need a B-1 or B-2 visa if they are visiting the country between flights or cruises. 
  • Religious Worker Visa 
    R type Visa is offered to those who wish to work in a religious capacity in the U.S. on a temporary basis. The religious worker includes people who are authorised by a recognised entity to conduct religious activities.
  • Domestic Employee Visa 
    Personal or domestic servants who accompany their employer to the U.S. are eligible for B-1 Visa. The domestic employees include:The domestic servants of a foreign diplomat or a government official is eligible for an A-3 or a G-5 Visa.
    • Housemaids
    • Valets
    • Footmen
    • Cooks
    • Butlers
    • Chauffeurs
    • Nannies
    • Mother’ helpers
    • Gardeners
    • Paid companions
  • Media and Journalist Visa 
    Media (I) A nonimmigrant who works for a foreign media outlet is given a visa to enter the country temporarily so they can carry out their line of work. However, they are required to have a home office abroad. A visitor’s Visa is offered to the foreign citizen if he or she is travelling for the following purposes:
    • Attending a conference or a meeting
    • Guest lecture
    • Engaging in academic activities
    • Purchasing media equipment
    • Vacation
  • Treaty Trader and Investor Visas.
    • The E visas are called Treaty Trader and Treaty Investor visas respectively, are for those who have treaties of commerce and navigation in the US. There are two types of this visa:
    • E1 Visa – treaty trader visa.
    • E2 Visa – treaty investor visa

Spouses and children under the ages of 21 are allowed to accompany the principal Visa holder under the B-2 Visa.

U.S. Immigrant Visas Application Process

The immigrant visa application process includes the applicant and the petitioner. For instance, if you want to apply to shift to the US through employment-based immigration, then you and your employer have to be involved in the entire application process. Employment-based immigration are different than a temporary work visa.

Step 1: In the first step, the petitioner is involved that the US citizen or a permanent resident in US who will sponsoring your immigration to the US. They should file the Form I-30 that the petition for Alien Relative.

Step 2: You and the petitioner will both be participating in the second phase. Your case will be forwarded to the National Visa Centre and recorded in the event that the petition is improved. You will receive a welcome letter once the procedure has been successfully finished. You will find the login information you need to access your case in the Consular Electronic Application Centre in the welcome letter. Additionally, this platform allows you to edit your account. You must next pay the fees and provide the necessary documentation.

Step 3: There are two types of processing fees which you need to pay:

  •  Affidavit of Support Fee
  • Immigrant Visa Application Processing Fee

You need the petitioner at this point of time because the payment needs to be made from a US savings account.

Step 4: In this step, only the petitioner will be involved. The petitioner will sign an Affidavit of Support and accept financial responsibility for the applicant. In such case, the petitioner will be the sponsorer. In case, the sponsor has insufficient income, a joint sponsor will be involved.

Step 5: The petitioner needs to gather the proof of their finance and other important documents.

Step 6: Here, the applicant will be involved. The person needs to fill in the online application form and make the fee payment. Once the payment is done, you need to take the printout of the receipt to appear for visa interview.

Step 7: You have to gather all the required civil documents which support your application stage.

Step 8: Both the parties should be present at this point of time. The documents should be saves for later. The file types should be in .jpg, .pdf, and .jpeg formats.

Step 9: Next, you have to upload the scanned copies of documents.

Step 10: You will receive a notification in your registered email address about the date and venues of your visa interview.

Step 11: Appear for your interview.

Processing Time

The processing time for a US immigrant visa is three to five weeks. On the other hand, in case od US non-immigrant visa, the processing time is seven to ten days. So, the applicants should apply for the visa three months in advance.

Also Read – The Most Different Types of U.S. Work Visas

<p>The post How many types of us visa – How many different types of US visas are there? first appeared on Anju Jadon News & Blogs.</p>

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Top 10 solar companies in India 2023 Sun, 16 Jul 2023 19:50:30 +0000 Best Top 10 solar companies in India 2023 As India is one of the fastest-growing economies worldwide, our country’s carbon footprint keeps increasing due to mass commercialization. Thus, alternative energy providers like solar energy companies have grabbed consumers’ attention for the past decades. To reduce that footprint & enhance the environment, Indian government has aimed […]

<p>The post Top 10 solar companies in India 2023 first appeared on Anju Jadon News & Blogs.</p>

Best Top 10 solar companies in India 2023

As India is one of the fastest-growing economies worldwide, our country’s carbon footprint keeps increasing due to mass commercialization. Thus, alternative energy providers like solar energy companies have grabbed consumers’ attention for the past decades. To reduce that footprint & enhance the environment, Indian government has aimed to achieve 114 GW solar capacity by 2022.

Some of the major advantages that solar energy offers are as follows:

  • Renewable Energy source
  • Reduced electricity bills
  • Low maintenance costs
  • Saves environment
  • One-time investment
  • No harmful emissions

To achieve all the targets as well as advantages of solar energy; government is providing subsidies for installing solar energy systems in many states. The subsidies provided by government are even helping people in establishing their own solar businesses by purchasing franchises of one of the best solar panel company in India. The top 10 solar companies in India that fulfil all the latest solar energy trends are mentioned below.

The list of top Solar Companies [Manufacturers] in India:

1. Waaree Energies Ltd

Waaree Energies Ltd., founded in 1989, is a Mumbai based company having a significant presence of over 360+ locations in India and 68 foreign countries. With our magnificent 2 GW module manufacturing unit at Surat, we are one of the leading Solar Panel Manufacturer in India.

Having a NABL Lab Facility, we are India’s first company to have an in-house facility. They offer EPC services, project development, solar water pumps, solar rooftop solutions, independent powerhouses and much more. With over 32 years of experience & its presence being pan-India as well as in 68 countries globally, Waaree Energies Ltd. is one of the top solar panel manufacturers to rely on.

2. Tata Power Solar Systems

This solar power company remains an eminent leader in manufacturing one of the Best Solar Panels in India The company boasts a stronghold on residential rooftop solar units and has shipped about 1.4 GW of solar modules worldwide over the past 20 years.

3. Adani Solar

A subsidiary of Adani Enterprises Ltd., Adani Solar belongs to the 15 largest utility solar power developers worldwide. They manufacture solar cells and modules with 1.5 GW+ of cell and module capacity at Mundra, Gujarat. Adani solar is one of the largest solar panels installers in India.

bifacial solar panel
bifacial solar panel

4. Microtek Solar Solutions

They provide a wide range of solar products for retail and commercial users. Microtek Solar products are manufactured with the most recent solar technologies to deliver best results. Their products are Photo Voltaic Modules, Power Conditioning Units, Solar Management Units and Solar combo packages.

Have you read: 1 KW Solar Panel Price in India [2023]

5. Loom Solar Pvt. Ltd.

Loom Solar Pvt. Ltd. is a mono perc solar panels and lithium battery manufacturer based out of Faridabad, Haryana having a manufacturing capacity of 100 MW. The company which started in 2018 has become one of the fastest-growing solar panel manufacturers in India because of wide range of solar panels from 10 watts to 450 watts super high efficiency panels.

6. UTL Solar

This Delhi-based energy-focused organization provides solar-powered PV and EPC solutions. Their robust R&D department enables them to manufacture one of the best solar panels in India with two times magnified standard warranty.

7. Vikram Solar

Serving over six continents, Vikram Solar is one the largest solar energy companies providing mono and bifacial solar panel modules. They have installed & commissioned over 1355 MW of solar projects across India. They have over 1 GW solar panel manufacturing capacity and a 10 kW floating solar plant in Kolkata.


Started in 1992, the company has grown up to be the largest manufacturers of solar water heating systems across Asia. They have also installed and commissioned solar PV projects 14 MW in North of Germany, and 13 MW rooftop and 140 + MW in India.

9. RenewSys Solar

They are an integrated manufacturer of solar modules and key components like solar PV cells, black sheets, and encapsulants. They have two manufacturing units in India, supplying over 40 nations worldwide.

10. Luminous

The company has emerged as a prime business in terms of profits and new utilization methods. Their business is spread across neighboring countries, the Middle East, and Africa.

<p>The post Top 10 solar companies in India 2023 first appeared on Anju Jadon News & Blogs.</p>

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JEE Mains & JEE Advanced Differences – जेईई मेन और जेईई एडवांस में क्या अंतर है? जानें IIT, NIT एंट्रेंस एग्जाम का फर्क Thu, 01 Jun 2023 07:12:05 +0000 आज हम जानेंगे JEE Mains & JEE Advanced Differences – जेईई मेन और जेईई एडवांस में क्या अंतर है? जानें IIT, NIT एंट्रेंस एग्जाम का फर्क क्‍या है इस पोस्‍ट को पूरा पडें आपको सारे सवालो के जबाब मिल जायेंगे JEE Main क्या है और JEE Advance क्या होता है JEE Mains और JEE Advanced […]

<p>The post JEE Mains & JEE Advanced Differences – जेईई मेन और जेईई एडवांस में क्या अंतर है? जानें IIT, NIT एंट्रेंस एग्जाम का फर्क first appeared on Anju Jadon News & Blogs.</p>

आज हम जानेंगे JEE Mains & JEE Advanced Differences – जेईई मेन और जेईई एडवांस में क्या अंतर है? जानें IIT, NIT एंट्रेंस एग्जाम का फर्क क्‍या है इस पोस्‍ट को पूरा पडें आपको सारे सवालो के जबाब मिल जायेंगे

JEE Main क्या है और JEE Advance क्या होता है

JEE Mains और JEE Advanced में क्या अंतर है? ये परीक्षाएं IIT, NIT जैसे संस्थानों में एडमिशन के लिए ली जाती हैं. तैयारी करनी है तो जान लीजिए दोनों में क्या फर्क है. प्रीमियर इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेजों में पढ़ने के लिए ज्वाइंट एंट्रेंस एग्जाम JEE क्रैक करना जरूरी है. इस एग्जाम को जेईई मेन और जेईई एडवांस्ड में बांटा गया है. JEE Advanced में बैठने के लिए स्टूडेंट्स को पहले जेईई मेन्स क्वालिफाई करना होता है. JEE Mains में अच्छी रैंक के बाद आप एनआईटी समेत अन्य प्रतिष्ठित कॉलेजों में एडमिशन ले सकते हैं. जबकि IIT के लिए जेईई एडवांस्ड पास करना जरूरी है. हालांकि जेईई मेन और एडवांस्ड एक-दूसरे से जुड़े हैं, फिर भी अलग हैं. अक्सर छात्र इन दोनों के बीच कंफ्यूज हो जाते हैं.

JEE Main & JEE Advance क्या हैं पूरी जानकारी इन हिंदी में

इसलिए इस आर्टिकल में एग्जाम पैटर्न, सिलेबस, डिफिकल्टी लेवल के आधार पर जेईई मेन और जेईई एडवांस के बीच फर्क बताया जा रहा है. इंजीनियरिंग में करियर बनाने के लिए स्टूडेंट्स की पहली प्राथमिकता होती है किसी भी इंडियन इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ़ टेक्नोलॉजी (IIT) में सीट प्राप्त करना. इसके लिए उन्हें पहले JEE Main एग्जाम में बैठना होता है. मेन में क्वालीफाई करने के बाद जेईई एडवांस क्रैक करना होता है. 12वीं या समकक्ष परीक्षा में उत्तीर्ण या भाग लेने वाले उम्मीदवार जेईई मेन एग्जाम दे सकते हैं.

एग्जाम में बैठने के लिए कोई न्यूनतम प्रतिशत नहीं है. लेकिन आईआईआईटी, एनआईटी और सीएफटीआई में एडमिशन के लिए उम्मीदवारों को 75% अंक (एससी/एसटी के लिए 65%) से 12वीं पास होना चाहिए. जेईई एडवांस्ड एग्जाम में बैठने के लिए पात्रता मानदंड जेईई मेन परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण करना और शीर्ष 2.5 लाख उम्मीदवारों में शामिल होना है.

जेईई मेन और एडवांस्ड में अंतर – Differences between JEE Mains & JEE Advanced

EE MainsJEE Advanced
जेईई मेन एग्जाम एनआईटी (NIT), ट्रिपल आईटी (IIIT) और केंद्र/ राज्य सरकार के इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेजों में एडमिशन के लिए है.जेईई एडवांस्ड आईआईटी (IIT), आईआईईएसटी (IIEST), आरजीआईपीटी (RGIPT) में एडमिशन के लिए है.
जेईई मेन एग्जाम साल में 2 बार आयोजित होता है.जेईई एडवांस का आयोजन साल में सिर्फ एक बार होता है.
जेईई मेन का आयोजन एनटीए यानी नेशनल टेस्टिंग एजेंसी करती है.जेईई एडवांस का आयोजन आईआईटी ज्वाइंट एडमिशन बोर्ड द्वारा किया जाता है. हर साल परीक्षा संचालन का जिम्मा अलग-अलग आईआईटी को दिया जाता है.
स्टूडेंट्स लगातार तीन साल तक जेईई मेन परीक्षा में शामिल हो सकते हैं.लगातार दो साल तक ही जेईई एडवांस की परीक्षा दे सकते हैं.
जेईई मेन का पेपर 3 घंटे का होता है.जेईई एडवांस्ड पेपर 6 घंटे (पेपर 1 3 घंटे, पेपर 2 3 घंटे) का होता है.
जेईई मेन में चार-चार अंकों के 90 प्रश्न होते हैं. उम्मीदवार को केवल 75 प्रश्नों के उत्तर देने की आवश्यकता होती है.जेईई एडवांस परीक्षा में मार्क्स डिस्ट्रीब्यूशन और प्रश्नों की संख्या तय नहीं है.
जेईई मेन के प्रश्न पत्र अंग्रेजी, हिंदी, गुजराती, असमिया, बंगाली, कन्नड़, मलयालम, मराठी, ओडिया, पंजाबी, तमिल, तेलुगु और उर्दू में होते हैं.जेईई एडवांस का प्रश्न पत्र केवल अंग्रेजी और हिंदी में होता है.

जेईई मेन और एडवांस्ड का सिलेबस लगभग 99% समान है. लेकिन मेन में कुछ ऐसे टॉपिक हैं जो जेईई एडवांस सिलेबस में नहीं है. हालांकि, 2023 से जेईई एडवांस के रिवाइज्ड सिलेबस में कुछ और टॉपिक जोड़े गए हैं. जेईई मेन सिलेबस में पहले से ही ये टॉपिक थे.

डिफिकल्टी लेवल में जेईई मेन और एडवांस्ड में फर्क

जेईई मेन में कठिनाई का स्तर जेईई एडवांस की तुलना में थोड़ा कम है. एडवांस का डिफिकल्टी लेवल अधिक है और यह कॉन्सेप्ट बेस्ड एग्जाम है. देखा जाए तो जेईई मेन में किसी प्रॉब्लम को सॉल्व करने लिए औसतन 2 मिनट मिलते हैं. वहीं जेईई एडवांस्ड में औसतन 3 मिनट मिलते हैं.

मेन्स क्रैक करने के लिए किसी प्रॉब्लम को तेजी से हल करना जरूरी है. जबकि एडवांस क्रैक करने लिए कॉन्सेप्ट क्लीयर होना चाहिए. कुल मिलाकर जेईई मेन्स पास करने के बाद स्टूडेंट्स इंजीनियर बन सकते हैं. लेकिन IITian का टैग हासिल करने के लिए एडवांस्ड क्रैक करना जरूरी है.

<p>The post JEE Mains & JEE Advanced Differences – जेईई मेन और जेईई एडवांस में क्या अंतर है? जानें IIT, NIT एंट्रेंस एग्जाम का फर्क first appeared on Anju Jadon News & Blogs.</p>

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TOP 50 Divorce Lawyers & Attorneys In United States (USA) Sat, 20 May 2023 21:02:58 +0000 We are discuss in this post who is the best divorce attorney Today we Know that who is TOP 50 Divorce Lawyers & Attorneys In United States (USA) 1. – Varghese Summersett PLLC – Divorce proceedings and other legal issues can seem difficult. We are here to help you. Varghese Summersett Family Law Group evaluates […]

<p>The post TOP 50 Divorce Lawyers & Attorneys In United States (USA) first appeared on Anju Jadon News & Blogs.</p>

We are discuss in this post who is the best divorce attorney

Today we Know that who is TOP 50 Divorce Lawyers & Attorneys In United States (USA)

1. – Varghese Summersett PLLC –

Divorce proceedings and other legal issues can seem difficult. We are here to help you. Varghese Summersett Family Law Group evaluates its success by your criteria. We are known for our perseverance in courtrooms as well as beyond. We are proud of our success in handling many family law cases. Even if the victim doesn’t want to press charges, can you still be charged with assault? Even if the injuries are not visible, can you still be charged for assaulting bodily injury? Are someone’s words sufficient to provoke an attack? These questions could have been answered if Will Smith had slapped Chris Rock at 2022 Academy Awards. In criminal law, “justification” refers to an act that is exempted from criminal responsibility for some reason. Texas law prohibits the use of force for verbal provocation. Will Smith punched Chris Rock during the 2022 Academy Awards. Rock had made reference to Jada pinkett Smith’s hair loss, which was a result of her diagnosis with alopecia. According to Texas law, a verbal provocation is not sufficient reason for the use of force. Imagine someone yelling at you. According to Texas law, verbal provocations against someone are not grounds for using force.

📞 +18172032220

📬 300 Throckmorton St Suite 1650, Fort Worth, TX 76102, USA

Website –

2. – DeWitt Law Firm, P.A.

Florida’s best legal counsel is provided by The DeWitt Law Firm. Our firm is committed to understanding our clients’ needs and pursuing their best interests. The attorneys offer guidance and counsel throughout the process. They also try to devise innovative and creative ways to get the desired result. The Orlando lawyers we represent are highly experienced in divorce law. They also have expertise in family, appels, real-estate litigation, real property transactions, civil litigation and estate planning. There are many legal firms in Central Florida that can help you with your legal issues. But once you have chosen the DeWitt Law Firm you’ll see why our firm has been a standout for almost 20 years.

📞 +14077593397

📬 135 W Central Blvd Suite 320, Orlando, FL 32801, USA

Website –

3. – David Centeno Law, P.C.

David Centeno- can assist you with a quick, easy and inexpensive uncontested divorce regardless of where you live. We have developed an online process for divorce that allows us to serve our clients wherever they are located in the world.

📞 +18668302064

📬 767 3rd Ave #2400, New York, NY 10017, USA

Website –

4. – Thompson Salinas Londergan, LLP

A family dispute can be resolved through a negotiated and amicable process, rather than going to court. Your children will be safe if you work with your partner or spouse to find a fair solution. This protects them from further trauma, and ultimately reduces stress on their emotions and finances. Our goal is to help you fully understand your legal options and to provide the most suitable legal solutions to your specific needs. Sometimes, complex family law cases can become more complicated and may require negotiation and knowledge to resolve more difficult issues. We have the experience and knowledge to create a tailored approach for contested legal disputes. Our small, boutique firm takes a team-oriented and holistic approach to our clients. We have both transactional and trial attorneys that focus on small-business matters and family law.

📞 +15122014083

📬 8911 N Capital of Texas Hwy Building 4 Suite 4260, Austin, TX 78759, USA

Website –

5. – Longworth Law Firm, P.C.

We believe that the needs of our clients are the most important thing. All members of our team are committed to meeting these needs. Referrals are a large part of our practice. It would be a pleasure to have your trust in us and help you. The Longworth Law Firm can help you with any of your legal needs, including a divorce attorney, child custody lawyer, and a support lawyer for your Houston support matters.

📞 +18327595100

📬 440 Louisiana St Suite 977, Houston, TX 77002, USA

Website –

6. – Law Offices of Jonathan Merel

The stress and emotional toll of family law cases is undeniable. You will need to make many decisions along the way that can have a lasting impact on your family, your partner and your children. A family lawyer from the Law Offices Of Jonathan Merel P.C. can help you if your family has to deal with a complicated Chicago divorce or contentious disagreement. We can assist you during this time of difficulty. We are proud to serve the Chicagoland region as one of the top family law firms. Before recommending a strategy that will help you achieve your goals, our family lawyers are experienced and knowledgeable. Our legal team is there for you every step of the process to help you make educated decisions that are in line with your family’s best interests.

📞 +13124872795

📬 180 N Stetson Ave Ste 1300, Chicago, IL 60601, USA

Website –

7. – Doppelt and Forney San Diego Divorce Lawyers

A family lawyer firm with experience can assist you in your case regarding divorce, legal separation and paternity. Doppelt and Forney, APLC offers full-service family legal services with both full-time lawyers and full-time support staff. It is located right off Bernardo Center Drive, just off I-15. Roy Doppelt is a San Diego family and divorce lawyer since 1988. He has received many awards throughout his 30-plus year career. One of these was being included in the 2019 Super Lawyers. Damon Forney, a certified family law specialist in California, is an ex-federal and state prosecutor who has more than 20 years of experience. Each attorney has both court experience and experience with settlement negotiations, pleadings, and litigation. They both appear in San Diego County’s family law courts regularly.

📞 +18583128500

📬 16466 Bernardo Center Dr #260, San Diego, CA 92128, USA

Website –


All types of Family Law cases are our specialty. Many of our cases involve traditional divorce proceedings and child support. We also offer many other options. Our firm believes that exploring every avenue could lower the cost of legal representation and make the process more efficient. This allows the couple to communicate better, resolve their differences with dignity, and maintain their family relations. We will try to settle cases through mediation or alternative dispute resolutions. This gives you the opportunity to have a say in the final outcome, even in difficult situations. If necessary, our firm will take any contested case to court.

📞 +15129314529

📬 8133 Mesa Dr #100, Austin, TX 78759, USA

Website –

9. – Kirker Davis LLP

Kirker Davis LLP, a Central Texas boutique family law practice, focuses on high-end cases in family law. Our firm handles divorces that involve professionals and family-owned businesses, as well as custody cases, complex litigation, and other matters. Our core philosophy is, to be frank in our practice and to provide excellent client service. Holly R. Davis and Chris M. Kirker, Founding Partners combine their experience in trial advocacy with their commitment to offering their clients concierge-level legal service. Holly R. Davis, and Chris M. Kirker, have been exclusively handling family law cases that involve multi-million-dollar estates and divorces that include multiple business entities. They also handle high-profile clients. Kirker Davis LLP, a family law boutique in Central Texas, focuses on divorce, custody, and business litigation. There are offices in Austin, McKinney, and San Antonio. Our divorce law practice includes matters involving family-owned businesses, professionals, and complicated litigation. Our core philosophy is to be a firm that provides excellent client service and adheres to the law. Call us at (512) 598-0010 for a complimentary consultation.

📞 +15128620516

📬 8310-1 North Capital of Texas Highway, Bldg 1, Ste 350, Austin, TX 78731, USA

Website –

10. – Elise Buie Family Law, PLLC

It can be difficult to make decisions regarding how you move forward. If your family’s success is your top priority, then you need representation who will put all of their efforts into helping you realize your dreams. Our team can help you with any of your relationship needs. Our team provides the information and resources that you require to fully understand all options, and reduce conflict. It is a financial investment to find the best firm for you. It is important to choose a team that understands you and who has the experience and capacity to assist you in achieving your goals. We want to see you looking back in five or a year to remember that you made every effort to ensure the success of your family. Elise Buie Family Law Group is a team of passionate, innovative, and problem-solving estate planning and family law attorneys. They will tirelessly support your needs. Our clients are located in King, Pierce and Snohomish counties, Mason, Island Thurston, Thurston, as well as Kitsap.

📞 +12066874601

📬 720 3rd Ave #2015, Seattle, WA 98104, USA

Website –

11. – Davis & Greene PC

Davis & Greene P.C. Davis & Greene, P.C. is a family law company that offers flat-fee billing for child support and custody. We don’t bill for hours so that you can know how much you will pay when you work with us. Uncontested cases are our forte and we offer great value. A lawyer is often called upon to help with a crisis or conflict. Davis & Greene’s goal is to solve problems and provide peace of mind. We don’t want you to have more headaches. You can count on us to provide sound advice and open communication, as well as competitive pricing. Our office is convenient! Our office is centrally located in Memphis, but far from downtown traffic.

📞 +19013341715

📬 950 Mt Moriah Rd, Memphis, TN 38117, USA

Website –

12. – Sterling Law Offices, S.C.

Sterling Law Offices S.C. practices family law in Milwaukee County and the surrounding counties. We also serve SE Wisconsin. Our services include collaborative divorce, mediation, divorce litigation, and child custody. We also offer alimony and other family law services. Call us to get answers to your questions, book a consultation, reserve a place at our divorce workshops near you, and/or schedule a consultation. Watch a daily free webinar hosted by an experienced attorney on our website.

📞 +14144318697

📬 250 E Wisconsin Ave #1830, Milwaukee, WI 53202, USA

Website –

13. – Contreras Law Firm

Contreras Law will provide the guidance and support you require for your Family and Civil Law issues. We are family-oriented attorneys. Trusting and feeling comfortable in a law firm can give you legal advice that is expert and professional. This will allow you to feel confident that the attorney you have chosen can help you reach your goals. Contreras Law, a San Diego law firm for business lawyers, is known for its results-oriented approach. Our clients receive exceptional service and value by providing them with comprehensive, but practical preparation and vigorous civil advocacy. Contreras Law Firm’s principal objective is to provide the best result possible and build long-lasting relationships with clients. A successful result is the result of conducting a thorough analysis right from the beginning and including our clients’ goals and objectives in that analysis. We are able to deliver superior results because of our extensive experience and wide knowledge. Experience is important when it comes to hiring an attorney. Our team is made up of experienced trial attorneys, skilled mediator attorneys, and Certified Specialists from the California State Bar. Contreras Law prides itself on being creative with lawyers who are not only up-to-date with technology and new laws, but also use them to give you the San Diego experience that you would expect from a law firm.

📞 +16192380616

📬 402 W Broadway Suite 1200, San Diego, CA 92101, USA

Website –

14. – Cantor Law Group

Cantor Law Group is made up of well-known and highly successful attorneys who represent people from all walks of Arizona’s life. Our Family Law and Divorce clients receive the best possible results. Cantor Law Group has a great reputation in the legal profession due to our professionalism, integrity and honesty. While many attorneys may claim they are aggressive, few actually follow through. Cantor Law Group is truly beyond aggressive! Cantor Law Group is home to over 200 jury trials in every type of case. The combined experience of our lawyers is 70 years. The highly skilled staff of investigators and paralegals has the resources and qualifications to investigate, litigate and successfully resolve any aspect of Family Law/Divorce issues, no matter what case type. We are available to assist you immediately and will get the best possible results for your case.

📞 +16022548880

📬 40 N Central Ave Suite 2310, Phoenix, AZ 85004, USA

Website –

15. – Schreier & Housewirth Family Law

Your divorce or child custody case will have many moving parts. It is crucial to hire the best lawyer. It is important that your interests align. You could feel isolated, confused, or worse, relegated as a part of a large-volume family practice. Your story is important to us. We then target your goals, and create a plan to reach them. To diffuse tension and find creative solutions for family problems, we have mediation and collaborative family legal tools.

📞 +18179239999

📬 1800 W Bowie St, Fort Worth, TX 76104, USA

Website –

16. – Conti Moore Law, PLLC

The most difficult thing you will ever have to deal with is divorce. It shouldn’t be something you have to do on your own. Finding the best Orlando divorce attorney can help make a big difference. Conti Moore Law PLLC understands how hard divorce can be. The award-winning Orlando divorce attorneys are available to assist you with minimizing stress and making the entire process easy. We have more than 50 years combined experience so you can benefit from our proven strategies and effective methods for divorce. For more information about Orlando’s family law office and the ways our lawyers can assist you in these difficult times, please contact us. Call our office today at 407 584-8704 for your free initial case evaluation.

📞 +14073052215

📬 815 N Magnolia Ave Suite 100, Orlando, FL 32803, USA

Website –

17.- Moreno Law, LLC

Moreno Law in Kansas City can offer skilled representation for uncontested and contested divorce proceedings. Personal attention can be provided for support and custody matters. It can be challenging to manage your legal affairs during separation. We have a team of qualified attorneys who can assist you with all aspects related to child support, custody, and visitation. Moreno Law LLC feels that all clients need to be informed about their legal process. Our partnership with clients covers all aspects of family law.

📞 +18162000467

📬 601 Walnut Suite 200 – 2nd Floor, Kansas City, MO 64106, USA

Website –

18. – Law Office of Bryan Fagan, PLLC

We strive to deliver professional, responsive, and high-quality legal services, from beginning to end. Our success lies in our dedication to our clients. Our support staff is always available to assist clients throughout their case. We believe in getting to know each client and maintaining great communication. We have represented clients in a variety of estate and family law cases. Our attorneys also offer complimentary e-books, as well as other resources to help clients better understand the law and process.

📞 +12818109760

📬 3707 Cypress Creek Pkwy Suite 400, Houston, TX 77068, USA

Website –

19. – DeVoe Law Firm

Florida State University College of Law was where I studied 1995. I was an active member of Law Review, and I also served as a judicial extern to the Florida Supreme Court’s former Chief Justice. In 1998, I received my Juris Doctor and graduated with Honors. My legal career began as an associate in a state-based law firm. Later, I worked for an international firm that did corporate and transactional work. Later, I was an in-house staff attorney for a Fortune 500 company as well as its corporate counsel. My valuable experience in litigation was gained at the State Attorney’s Office, where I served as a trial lawyer for the Ninth Judicial Circuit of Florida. This includes Orange County and Osceola County. DeVoe Law Firm was formed to offer quality criminal defense and family law legal services in Orlando and Altamonte Springs. The Executive Committee of Orange County Bar Association’s Family Law Section, Central Florida Family Law Inns of Court and Orange County Bar Association include the Family Law Section as well as the Criminal Law Section. As a volunteer for Orange County Teen Court, I have also served as a lecturer at an Orlando university.

📞 +14072841620

📬 1060 Woodcock Rd, Orlando, FL 32803, USA

Website –

20. – The Rudisel Law Firm, P.C.

The Rudisel Law firm, P.C. Mr. Rudisel along with his professional staff. Rudisel and his professional staff at The Rudisel Law Firm, P.C. focus on family and divorce law and strive to help clients achieve their goals. Their clients are their top priority and they believe that all Texans deserve the best legal representation. Houston lawyer Mr. Rudisel has passion for family law. He can help you with your child custody, visitation, modifications, child support and child support issues.

📞 +17137817775

📬 1415 N Loop W # 910, Houston, TX 77008, USA

Website –

<p>The post TOP 50 Divorce Lawyers & Attorneys In United States (USA) first appeared on Anju Jadon News & Blogs.</p>

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Trademark Registration In India Sat, 20 May 2023 06:29:20 +0000 Trademark Registration online A trademark can be defined as the unique identity that makes your company, product, or service stand out from the rest. A brand registration in India is your business’s intellectual property/ intangible asset. Trademark registration in India protects the investment made into creating trust and loyalty among your customers. Trademark registration in […]

<p>The post Trademark Registration In India first appeared on Anju Jadon News & Blogs.</p>

Trademark Registration online

A trademark can be defined as the unique identity that makes your company, product, or service stand out from the rest. A brand registration in India is your business’s intellectual property/ intangible asset. Trademark registration in India protects the investment made into creating trust and loyalty among your customers.

Trademark registration in India provides the right to sue against others who try to copy your trademark and prevents others from using a similar trademark to the one registered by you.

What Can You Register As a Trademark?

Many aspects of your brand image can be registered as a trademark. The aspect you need to consider to register a trademark online is which aspect of your brand stands out to your customers. Pick that aspect(s) for applying for a trademark in India.

1. Name

a. Product Name: You can register a particular product’s name as a trademark. Apple’s iPod is a product name trademark.

b. Business Name: Registering a company name as a trademark is the most common route businesses take. Ex: Bajaj.

c. Person’s Name/Surname: If your name plays an important part in generating revenue, then you can even trademark your name! Ex: Shah Rukh Khan has trademarked his name.

d. Abbreviations: Abbreviations of a company or brand name can also be a trademark. Ex: TATA.

2. Logo/Symbol

It is highly recommended to trademark a logo because it visually represents your brand. Your customers can recollect a logo faster than a name. A great example of a brand registration in India is the ‘swoosh’ of Nike.

3. Tagline

If you have a tagline for your brand, you can go ahead and trademark that as well. A tagline tells your customers what you stand for as a business. For example, KFC ‘It’s finger lickin’ good’.

4. Other Options

a. Colour Mark: You can register a trademark online for a colour or a combination of colours. (Ex: Cadbury has trademarked the colour royal blue)

b. Sound Mark: Musical notes or sounds can be trademarked via online trademark registration if we can prove that it’s distinctive. Nokia has trademarked its tune.

c. Scent Mark: Even scents can be trademarked in online trademark registration.

Why Is Trademark Registration Important?

Trademark registration is important and necessary for a business because:

  • It showcases your unique identity
  • It helps you build trust and loyalty among your customers
  • It offers legal protection for your brand’s identity
  • It is an asset in itself
  • It prevents unauthorised usage of your brand’s identity.

Trademark Classes

There are 45 trademark classes and all the goods and services are categorised across these classes. You need to be very careful while picking the classes as it will determine the validity of your trademark registration for your business’ products/services. If your business operates across different goods/services that fall under different classes, you have to ensure that you can apply for a trademark online under all the applicable classes.

Some of the popular trademark classes in India are:

  • Class 9: which includes computer software and electronics,
  • Class 25: which includes clothing,
  • Class 35: which includes business management and advertising, and
  • Class 41: which includes education and entertainment.

If you are operating within these trademark classes, the competition for a trademark might be higher. However, that shouldn’t matter as long as your mark is unique.

How to Register Trademark in India With Vakilsearch

The online trademark registration process is more complicated than it appears. It involves a number of processes and government follow-up. Vakilsearch has made it easier for you by breaking it down into three parts and doing the majority of the work. Register a trademark today to protect your company’s logo, slogan, and brand.

Step 1: Trademark Search

Once you give us the basic information about what you want to apply trademark online and the industry you operate in, our experts will do a thorough search across the trademark database. This is to check whether the mark you want to register is available or not.

Once you decide on an available trademark, we move to step 2.

Step 2: Class Selection and Document Collection

The next task is to select the appropriate class(es) for your business. You need not worry too much though. Our experts will guide you in selecting the right classes to cover all aspects of your business. Simultaneously, you can start uploading all the required documents (list given below) to apply trademark online in your dashboard.

Step 3: Trademark Application Filing

Once you upload all the documents, our team will proceed to verify them. Then the trademark application form will be filled on your behalf and submitted along with the documents. Our team will ensure that your application is accurate and error-free.

We will keep you updated throughout the We will keep you updated throughout the process and watch out for any notifications from the Trademark Registry until the registration is complete. process and watch out for any notifications from the Trademark Registry until the brand registration is complete.

Congratulations! You can now start using the symbol ™ as the application has been submitted!

Step 4: Trademark Objection (in some cases)

Sometimes the examiner might have some questions about your application. This is sent to you as a trademark objection notice and you need to respond to it within 30 days. Our experts can craft a strong objection response and guide you in submitting the right documents and proofs.

Step 5: Trademark Opposition (in some cases)

There is also a chance for a third party to oppose your application. In that case, you have to submit a counter-statement to the Registrar within 2 months stating why the opposition isn’t valid. Based on your response the Registrar may either dismiss the opposition or call for a hearing.

Trademark Objections

In some cases, the trademark examiner might see certain problems or issues with the registration of a trademark. These issues can be either the filing of an incorrect trademark application form online, incorrect name/details, the usage of deceptive or offensive terms, insufficient information on goods or services, or the existence of an identical or deceptively similar mark.

When an objection is raised, the status on the register will show as ‘Objected’, following which an expertly drafted response will need to be filed after an analysis of the objection itself and with any supporting documents and proofs. Objection response is your opportunity to strengthen the claim over your mark and create urgency.

If the response is accepted, the application will be processed further for brand registration and advertisement in the Trademark Journal. If it is not accepted, or if there are additional clarifications sought by the examiner, there could be a trademark hearing scheduled and this will be communicated to you by a notice.

The process typically takes 2-4 months from when the objection is first raised. Once completed, the chances for approval, while not guaranteed, are much higher.

Trademark Opposition

On the other hand, A trademark opposition is a legal proceeding in which one party attempts to put a stop to a trademark application from being granted. A trademark opposition is filed by third parties who feel your trademark could in some way impact them or their own trademark, in writing, in the form of a notice, with the trademark examiner. If the examiner sees any merit to the opposition, they are to forward the notice to the applicant, who is required to send in a counter statement to the Registrar within 2 months.

If the Registrar feels the counter statement addresses the opposition substantially, they may dismiss the opposition. Alternatively, if the registrar feels there is more to be weighed, they may call for a hearing with both parties appearing before them and presenting their cases. After the hearing, the Registrar will rule on the validity of either the application or the opposition. This ruling can be appealed before the Intellectual Property Appellate Board within 3 months of it being made public.

Documents Required for Trademark Registration Online India

Initially, you have to provide us with the following details:

  • Applicant’s name
  • Business type
  • Business objectives
  • Brand/logo/slogan name
  • Registration address

The documents required are:

  • Signed Form-48
  • Identification proof of the signatory
  • Address proof of the signatory
  • Business proof (depends on the type of business)
  • Udyog Aadhar/MSME registration certificate (optional).

<p>The post Trademark Registration In India first appeared on Anju Jadon News & Blogs.</p>

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Trademark Registration Best Services 2023 in USA Sat, 20 May 2023 00:01:57 +0000 Registering for a trademark is an important step in protecting your company’s logo, name or slogan with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). And while some trademarks under common law protect your intellectual property, it isn’t always guaranteed. Today’s leading trademark registration services help take a lot of the headaches out of the registration […]

<p>The post Trademark Registration Best Services 2023 in USA first appeared on Anju Jadon News & Blogs.</p>

Registering for a trademark is an important step in protecting your company’s logo, name or slogan with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). And while some trademarks under common law protect your intellectual property, it isn’t always guaranteed. Today’s leading trademark registration services help take a lot of the headaches out of the registration process. Common features include trademark search, assistance with filing and a quick turnaround time.

Keep in mind that whatever you pay a trademark registration firm won’t include the fees the USPTO charges for filing for a trademark. Be prepared to pay an additional $250 to $350 per trademark class.

The Best Trademark Registration Services of 2023 in USA
Trademark Engine
Rocket Lawyer
JPG Legal
Trademark Plus
Trademark Factory
Trademark Express
Trademark Firm

Note: The information in this article is for informational purposes only. None of it should be considered legal advice on trademark registration, or any other subject.

1. – LegalZoom (First according Customer Review’s)

LegalZoom is an online legal technology company with headquarters in California. This company aims to help its clients create legal documents without hiring a lawyer.

Using LegalZoom’s services, people can quickly and easily start a business, secure their families’ interests, and protect their intellectual property. From creating wills and living trusts to submitting trademark applications, LegalZoom can assist you in every step of your life.

Key features

  • A wide selection of services – LegalZoom covers you in many other spheres of your life besides trademark registration;
  • US coverage – all legal documents are recognized in all 50 US states;
  • Quick turnaround time – get your documents in record time;
  • Flat-rate fees – no surprises with unexpected costs; and
  • Customer support – clients can contact the customer care team via phone or live chat.

Plans and pricing

LegalZoom offers only one type of package for its trademark registration services.

Standard package
  • $599
    Plus federal fees

LegalZoom’s trademark registration service includes research, registration filing, and full attorney support throughout the process, even if the attorney believes that your first trademark idea has some issues.

2. – Trademark Engine (Versatile pricing)

Trademark Engine is a company established to provide small businesses with a simple, quick, and affordable approach to trademark registration. Trademark Engine stands out due to its excellent features, versatile pricing plans, and an experienced team that takes care of every application with great care.

Key features

  • Affordable prices – the Basic package is among the cheapest pricing plans for trademark registration;
  • Trademark monitoring – almost all pricing plans include trademark monitoring;
  • Direct-hit search – gain access to all pending and live trademark applications;
  • Federal e-filing – complete the entire application online without dealing with a bunch of emails and paperwork; and
  • Customer support – contact the customer care team via phone, live chat, or email.

Plans and pricing

Trademark Engine offers three pricing plans for those looking to register a trademark.

Basic package
  • $99
    Plus USPTO filing fees

The basic package includes features such as direct-hit search, federal e-filing with USPTO, and electronic delivery.

Standard package
  • $149
    Plus USPTO filing fees

In addition to including all services from the basic package, the Standard package also includes a cease & desist letter, a custom transfer/assignment template, and one month of trademark monitoring.

Deluxe package
  • $199
    Plus USPTO filing fees

Along with all services from the Standard package, the Deluxe package also includes private registration and 24-hour expedited processing.

3. – Rocket Lawyer (The Best cheapest options)

Rocket Lawyer is another outstanding choice, primarily if you’re searching for a cost-effective trademark registration service. If you sign up for a Rocket Lawyer membership, you can receive additional discounts that will lower the price of the company’s services even further.

Key features

  • Discounted prices – members receive special discounts for services;
  • Affordable plans – trademark registration service plans are some of the cheapest on the market;
  • One-on-one consultation – meet with an attorney to discuss your trademark registration;
  • Proper protection – choose a trademark class that best fits your intellectual property; and
  • Professional assistance – get help from an attorney to ensure that your application is complete.

Plans and pricing

Rocket Lawyer has one plan.

  • $39 per month

Easy-to-create, reliable documents for hundreds of purposes, share, download and print anytime, etc.

4. – Incfile (Streamlined user interface)

If you’re searching for a company that offers trademark registration services and an engaging and streamlined experience while using its platform, you can’t go wrong with Incfile. With one of the best user interfaces, working to protect your brand’s documentation is fun and easy.

Key features

  • Cost-effective trademarking – Incfile’s services allow you to save a lot of money from the start;
  • Online storage – store all of your essential files and documents in one place;
  • Dashboard – track deadlines and receive reminders with their user-friendly dashboard; and
  • Unlimited customer support – contact customer support via phone or email as often as you need.

Plans and pricing

Incfile offers only one pricing plan for registering a trademark at their company.

  • $199
    Plus state fee

Registering your trademark with Incfile includes legal counseling with a trademark attorney, a detailed search of existing trademarks, and trademark application preparation and filing.

5. Trademark Plus (Give Flexible services)

As one of the newer companies working with trademark registration, Trademark Plus offers flexible services to its clients compared to some older companies in the field. With their 30-day money-back guarantee and affordable plans, Trademark Plus allows its customers to remain flexible.

Key features

  • Affordable plans – with cost-effective pricing plans, Trademark Plus is an excellent budget-friendly option;
  • 30-day money-back guarantee – receive your money back if you’re not satisfied with their service within the first 30 days;
  • Application preparation and filing – with select plans, the Trademark Plus team takes care of your entire application;
  • Perfect for small businesses – if you know your trademark is available, the easy filing process is ideal for you; and
  • Six- to eight-month turnaround – receive a decision quickly.

Plans and pricing

The four pricing plans available at Trademark Plus are:

U.S. Federal
  • $99
    Plus filing fee

The U.S. Federal includes an in-depth search of federal trademarks, submission of the draft application to the USPTO, and review of the application.

U.S. Federal & State
  • $199
    Plus filing fee

The U.S. Federal & State includes an in-depth search of federal trademarks, experienced trademark attorney assistance, as well as submission of the application to the USPTO.

U.S. Comprehensive
  • $299
    Plus filing fee

Email delivery of search report, state search of pending and registered trademarks from all 50 States, etc.

Worldwide and U.S.
  • $499
    Plus filing fee

Worldwide search of active International trademarks including Canada, European Community, United Kingdom, Germany, and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

6. – Trademark Factory (For Legal help)

Finding a legal company that genuinely cares about its clients and will do anything to help them is challenging but not impossible. Fortunately, you don’t have to look far if that is your primary goal. Trademark Factory offers you all of the legal help you might require while registering a trademark.

Key features

  • 99.3% success rate – a high chance of your trademark registration approval;
  • Nine years in business – work with experienced professionals who know everything about trademark registration;
  • Get a full refund – you will get all your money back if you don’t get trademark approval;
  • Handling of all office actions – licensed professionals handle all office actions for you with most plans; and
  • A fixed fee – no hidden or unexpected costs.

Plans and pricing

The three pricing plans at Trademark Factory are:

I Feel Lucky
  • $1.995

The most cost-effective plan at Trademark Factory includes a trademark search, free additional searches, application filing and handling, and a trademark certificate.

  • $2.995

The All-Inclusive plan incorporates all of the features from the plan above, plus a 100% refund if the application gets rejected, as well as unlimited responses to office actions.

  • $5.995

The Ultimate plan includes several additional features, such as defending your trademark and weekly trademark monitoring.

7.- Trademark Express (One-on-one communication)

Finally, Trademark Express is the best choice for people seeking an individualized approach and one-on-one communication. Trademark Express excels at providing customers with custom plans that best fit their needs.

Key features

  • 100% success rate – all trademark applications since 2008 have received approval;
  • Specialist consultations – learn about how the company works before making a deal;
  • Expert analysis – let trademark experts take care of your application;
  • Comprehensive search – examine common, state, and federal laws related to trademarking; and
  • Customer support – contact the customer care team via email or phone.

Plans and pricing

The Trademark Express trademark registration services are available in two different pricing plans.

Application Prep Package
  • $400

If you want the company to take care of your application, Trademark Express can prepare and file the application for you.

Start-Up Package
  • $400

Start-Up Package includes federal, state, and common law research by the company’s expert team.

Premium Package
  • $700

The Trademark Express team will search the pending and registered trademark files and fully prepare your US Federal trademark application.

Urgent Trademark
  • $1000

Urgent Trademark package includes the trademarking service in just 10 hours.

8. – Trademark Center (Best for small business owners)

If you’re a small business owner, the services at the Trademark Center are perfect for your brand. Since money-back guarantees aren’t that common among companies working with trademark registration, this feature can help you to avoid wasting money.

Key features

  • 20 years of experience – work with a company that has filed over 6,000 trademark applications;
  • Attorney consultation – consult with an expert regarding your trademark registration;
  • Trademark monitoring – make sure that there aren’t any infringements of your intellectual property;
  • Comprehensive search – examine all common, state, and federal trademark laws; and
  • Money-back guarantee – get your money back before or after filing a trademark registration application.

Plans and pricing

The two pricing plans available through the Trademark Center are:

  • $300 
    Plus USPTO fees

The Trademark Center’s Standard package includes federal search, application drafting and filing, 6 months of quarterly trademark watch, and trademark attorney assistance, among other services.

  • $495 
    Plus USPTO fees

The Premium package includes a more comprehensive search, application drafting and filing, one year of quarterly trademark watch, trademark attorney assistance, and several other services.

<p>The post Trademark Registration Best Services 2023 in USA first appeared on Anju Jadon News & Blogs.</p>

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